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Max Humphrey x Crow Canyon enamelware logo

Max Humphrey Portrait

Introducing the Max Humphrey x Crow Canyon enamelware collection – a limited-edition line that brings Max’s signature modern Americana vibe straight to your table, whether you're inside or out! This playful collection is designed to be mixed and matched, giving you endless options to create a fun and inviting look.

Max Humphrey, a celebrated interior designer,author, and product creator based in Portland, isknown for his effortless, layered style. With his workrecognized by House Beautiful as a "Next Wave"designer and one of Country Living's 100 mostcreative people, this collection perfectly captures hisunique approach to design. Get ready to bring a littleof Max’s magic to your home!

Max Humphrey x Crow Canyon enamelware collectionMax Humphrey x Crow Canyon enamelware collection

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